Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today just had to be a mix of photos.
Happy Winter Solstice! Now it turns towards lighter days. This morning was very dark and if it hadn't been for the snow, it would've been pitch black! It's been snowing all day and the trees are beautiful right now. 
We rearranged on the tables and one got just white and green. Half price on Christmas flowers and what we'd made in the Greenhouse. 
A coworker finished a small wooden Christmas tree, he worked overtime to get it done, and since it was half price, it followed me home and I've wrapped fairy lights around it.
Crazy much to do at work and my head is done... I'm so tired.
I had to go to the library, and do some shopping before I got home, and when I came home I saw I'd missed a call and I had a text message. I called back and my new oven arrives on Wednesday afternoon! I had thought I might have to buy pizza on New Years eve, but... now I can cook! And I'll be making a dough on Wednesday evening, to bake on Thursday morning.
I have 10 days off now and that's needed!

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