Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Thursday — Lots of Rain

During a pause in the rain today, a glance at the terraced backyard reveals that the creeping Rosemary plants are steadily growing and beginning to drape over the edge of the Allen Block. We’re counting on these plants to provide a softer much more natural appearance to the yard.

Late in the day, just before sundown the clouds hinted that they might separate just enough for us to get a brief blast of sunshine. They did but it was very brief and then gone.

Our daughter will drive north from SoCal tomorrow (Friday) to be with us thru Christmas (Monday) and head back on Tuesday to be at a Wednesday doctor’s appointment. So l’m working on getting the clutter picked-up and a little house cleaning completed.

This evening we watched “The Polar Express” on DVD, and then when that ended, we watched “The Messiah Rocks” a musical we have on DVD. It really does “rock” and we thoroughly enjoyed both of these productions.

From California’s Central Coast
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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