Christmas Cheer......
Nora: Hey, don't think we didn't notice you had your greasy thumbs all over our toasties.
Flora: Well, stop winking at my man at the bingo.....
Dora: That's you crossed off my Christmas card list.
Flora: I'm surprised you can write.
Dora: Why you disingenuous bitch
Nora: Calm down Dora she's not worth it
Flora: Well, Dora and Nora wait 'till l tell Laura.
Nora: You're jealous just because our Laura has got a baby.
Flora: Baby indeed - our cat's bigger than that.
Dora: (as an aside to Nora) Last week she told our Angus to get stuffed. She even had the temerity to accompany him to the taxidermist.
Nora: And l'm minding on you've still got my V S Naipaul book. You ken fine, it's the one that gells together a highly sensitive narrative, with a perceptive, but effective, patina of disarming rage transmogrified into an inherent scrutiny of the post-colonial schism.
Flora: I've absolutely no time for a philological discussion on a Friday morning before l wash the plates. Besides, Dora, you know where you can put your Mills and Boons.
Nora: l can't take these insults anymore I've got to go and get my man's meat ready
Flora: Does he need a hand? I saw him at the bingo - I bet he's got a full house.
Nora: Well, I was up half the night repairing his loin cloth.
Dora: l thought he was a lift and separate man?
Flora: lt explains all that vigorous scratching. And whit aboot his love child ?
Nora: Yes but we've seen them all stopping at your hoose. The postman, milkman, that courier, DPD, Amazon. And the coalman, and we all ken fine you're all electric. Came in to empty his sack no doot.
Flora: Guess who l saw sitting on your man's knee, nibbling his haggis bonbons.
Nora: (apoplectic - i.e. beyond high doh) YOU need to look in the mirror.
Flora: And you need to hide yours.
Dora: Hiding? Hiding? Has Thorfinn no noticed your legs? Veins like a B road oot o' Dufftown.
Nora: We've seen your cousin in that caravan - temporarily rehoused indeed. We'll, l wis oot walking Airchie and the caravan windows were quite steamed up. And there she was having an allover wash in the sink. Or so l thought. As l got closer l realised she was stuffing the turkey.
Flora: Of course your veggie family will likely do something staggering with a marrow.
With the sound of swinging handbags, a broken plate and Dora Scrabbling on the floor looking for her inhaler, l made my excuses and left.
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