Party Games

At the end of the day, a Christmas meal out to P&K's with all the kiddywinks. Followed by party games! Surprisingly difficult to walk in a straight line with a blindfold, I discovered.
And the big reveal. K and I are being treated to a trip to see ABBA!! Yasss!!!

Earlier, my word, it had been windy - luckily coming from the west so the pontoon was well sheltered. Though one of my fenders was getting well squished. On the previous day someone had spray painted his (OK, it could be a her, but it’s unlikely) outboard propellor - in the ladies changing room. There was spray on the floor and skirting! I was passed a photo to post up on our Facebook page which attracted a suitable amount of approbation for the unknown villain of the piece. Meeting IG at the yard we tracked down the culprit. DrD !!! Very disappointing. His card is marked.

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