Chinese Sketch

The guy was round last night, talking about the work that it's been done on my bungalow next week, and as he was leaving, he said what are you doing for Christmas day? When I said I was having a peaceful Christmas day, no family he asked? They're all a distance away I replied. Right he said my partner is cooking Christmas dinner, and I'll bring you a plate on Christmas morning. This is despite him having 2 extended families, children and grandchildren, parents on both sides, and a nearly 90 year old great aunt who caught the plane from Minnesota to Ireland, and then Ireland to the U.K. just to be with them for a month over Xmas...

He made me smile.

Right, badgers and the swing now...
I have taken the large cushions and covers off the swing. For the last few days I had nothing else but cardboard on the swing. Then I put some new cushions and new coverings on the swing, but not right to the edge so the badger cannot grip as easily.

Pa badger (I called him KissyKissy last year because it appeared he was always trying to kiss Cat Midnight, who objected) started this behaviour last year and his son this year is following him. I do not need a whole tribe of badgers on my swing.

Big Ted (a few of you may remember Big Ted), now reappears on the swing. The easiest way of sorting out Big Ted after Pa Badger damaged him last year was to buy an 8-year-old boy's hooded onesie from the charity shop and put that on him. Big Ted looks a bit like an airline pilot from a World War I plane now.

But unfortunately you will not see him on the general trail camera videos because I have had to tie him to within an inch of his life to the far back of the swing to stop Pa Badger from yanking Big Ted off the swing.

If this strategy to keep the badgers from getting on the swing fails then I give up...

Two videos in one here
One min in all
First 30 secs is everyone ignoring the new cushions etc on the swing, apart from Foxy Loxy who had a look on the swing. Second 30 secs is a reminder of Big Ted's life on the swing from photos (I haven't figured out yet how to get the full photo in the video!), Pa Badger (previously called KissyKissy) pulling Big Ted off the swing, and Big Ted now in what I call his aviator's suit...he is a shadow of his former self, BUT he is BACK!!!

Creative... I am enjoying doing these Chinese sketches in my kind of way on SketchClub app, and I will probably do these for a little while now. They are easy on my hands to do, like a meditation and exercise for my hands, and they are also easy on my eyes, because of not too much precise detail. I am looking for ways of making sure I don't spend too much time on my tablets, which I do do currently...

Have your best kind of day.

Time for a cuppa!

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