
By Legacy


If I owned this cute little fellow that's what I'd name him. I passed him today on my way to take Lizzie to the vet for her second weigh-in. Couldn't resist taking his picture, but there was nobody around to introduce us so I don't know what his name is.

Anyway, Lizzie has lost another pound and weighed in at 18.9 pounds. So, since she started her diet she's lost two pounds which is spectacular progress. As a treat I gave her a tiny bit of halibut (which basically she ignored), and a spoonful of Snuffy's entree (which she didn't ignore). She's still in a good mood and very loving so the metabolic re-set theory isn't making her cranky, or any crankier than normal I should say. She a typical tortoise kitty and has fits of cranky and those are the moments when she snaps at my ankles. Don't know why but she can do that one minute and be purring in my lap the next. She's a feline of mystery for sure.

I'm feeling a lot better but still get tired easily so I'm taking things slow. I had a lot of blood work done this morning and they tell me I'm "normal". I'll take it.

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