A crepe on a wet day!

So they predicted the most horrid weather on this earth for today, even here in Auckland: blizzards, terrible winds and the wettest rain imaginable.

Well, I am still waiting and actually to be quite serious, I am quite frustrated. I prepared myself for the most amazing umrella photos ( I did say previously that I am Very partial to a good umbrella photo) and had everything ready, waterproof clothes, good shoes etc etc.

And what happened? The moment I am ready for The photo, the rain disappears and the sun comes out, then when I sit and have a coffee to wait for the rain, it quickly rains for a few minutes and the sun comes out again....... So I decided a pancake ( crepe) should help for the disappointment, it did, I gave up, its getting late now!

Just a by the way: what is it with all the black umbrellas? People should be made to buy pink, blue, yellow, green and red umbrellas. Works much better on photos.

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