70 F / 21 C

I'm not getting dressed.
I'm not going anywhere.
And you can't make me!!!!


I first woke just after 5 AM and I could hear a garbage truck in the neighbourhood rattling and banging along......I went back to sleep with little effort waking up just after 9, a much more reasonable hour for a retiree. 

While the kettle was coming up to a boil, I stuck my head out the back door to see if I could spy that handsome mockingbird. He was there and most willing to pose for me. He started up in my orange tree, then flew down to the ground by the shed. He likes to skip along the ground by the bushes and catch a drink in that little jet of water from an old irrigation line. Finally, he will run along the top of the fence before disappearing again. I'm waiting to hear him sing. It is spectacular.  Have a listen if you have some time.   Mockingbird calls

I'm home for the day to play with fabric, listening to the radio or playing my old CDs. 

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