Solstice Squirrel

Although the astronomical solstice is early tomorrow morning the actual still time extends over three days. (sol-stice = sun stands still) For those three days the "high" point of the Sun's travel through the winter sky remains the same, before beginning once again to increase. 

By the weekend the each period of daylight will become longer than the previous one. As they say, unto us the Sun is reborn...

As we move into the still time of solstice, may peace envelope us all. May the quiet and the noise of midwinter festivities entrance and invigorate our community. To those in war and crisis, may possibilities grow for survival and renewal. And to those willing to hear the 'verse, may we enjoy the ever spinning spiral dance. /|\

And as I rose this morning, on a very windy day, this chap was casually nibbling seeds in the sycamore tree, wholly unconcerned by the swinging and swaying branch! 

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