Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

My Kingdom for a cure...

I'm now approaching week 4 of the plague. Add in allergies and I'm a grumpy, coughing, sleepless mess... Colds suck, but summer colds suck __________ (I'll leave it to your own personal discretion...). This blip is only a portion of the junk I'm filtering through my body in the hopes of relief. Rest, liquids, blah, blah, blah. The viral demon spawn will leave me only when it's good and ready.

PS: Keeping up with blips is more difficult in the summer than the cold, dark winter. It's hard enough to organize my own time, let alone check out what others post. My apologies for not checking your stuff and commenting. I hope to find periodic chunks of time to do so soon...

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