Me, you and blip

By margaworld

A perfect ending... a busy and fulfilling day. Although technically this photo didn't mark the end to my day, as it was taken a good 4,5 hours ago and only now am I -finally- lying in bed and blipping, before the day really comes to an end for me.

I hope you like my blip for the day. It was one of those days where I really didn't know which photo to pick as there were so many! I think in the end though this one was my favorite, as I love reflections and sunsets and I like how the person was just walking by and he is also reflected in the puddle. For people who don't recognise it, the photo was taken in Place de la Concorde. Might I add that I haven't edited the photo to appear black and white at the top. I wish I knew how to do such fancy things...

Today has been a long day, in a good sense. Started with a shower, breakfast and BBC 1 minute news at 7.30, followed by a busy day at work, correcting plans on AutoCAD and getting to graffiti over ancient 70's wallpaper (well, actually I was marking it with special florescent pink spray paint, so that the painter knows what to remove, but graffiti sounds and describes my job better). The day flew by! Made it home just before the tropical rain started again. Made dinner, met up with my friend Mathilde for coffee and then I decided to join the crowds and be a tourist with my camera. Had a long walk and eventually cycled back. A few highlights from my evening; getting winked at by an extremely creepy looking guy, being literally followed by a guy who kept stopping in exactly the same spot I'd just stood and taking the exact same photo I'd just taken (this went on for about 30 minutes, before I managed to mingle and escape into the hoards of tourists around the Louvre). I'm not sure whether I should be flattered or completely creeped out by this unusual behavior. I also got told by a taxi driver who was trying to maneuver around me, that "I have the right to cycle the wrong way up a one way street because I'm pretty". Apparently I look my best when I'm hot and "shiny" from cycling up the hill to my flat. Hmm....

All in all an interesting day. I even managed to get my lunch ready for tomorrow and the washing-machine filled and ready to be fired up in the morning. Now all I need to do is get up in 5,5 hours.

Night blip world!

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