
By rainie

Unfinished !

I generally don't do grungy black and whites, but this building site of two ownership flats that were never finished (I am presuming the owner ran out of money, or had problems with council permits) kind of lends towards mono.  The graffiti is colourful in places but mono won the day.
A few more.

We went to our pharmacy in Timaru this morning to get our fourth COVID boosters, no waiting, but we are expected to sit for 15 minutes  afterwards just in case we have a reaction of some sort. We complied, then went for a coffee at one of the small cafes down the main street.  Lovely coffee and delicious chocolate and berry scones but the noise was ridiculously loud.  We won't go back there in a hurry.
A rather cool day, nothing like the 25 deg which was expected.

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