Not a creature was moving

... not even a mouse!

Another mild day, though I spent it indoors. Wrapped Christmas presents, which took a ridiculous amount of time, and remembered how it used to be after midnight on Christmas Eve when I would be wrapping the children's presents 30-40 years ago!

Each year I like to add something new to our tree and this year it's this cute mouse. Couldn't resist her, from one of the craft stalls at Corby Glen sheep fair a few months ago. My Extras show an older decoration still going strong - aglow with a perfumed tea light, and a favourite seasonal mug, which is one of a pair given to us for Christmas years ago.

Little Miss B broke up from school today, and apparently she is very excited! She did ask her mum, "Is that it now?" so hope she isn't too dismayed when she has to return in January.

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