WISC-V Tests

Conor was assessed for his cognitive ability by an NHS psychologist today using the WISC-V tests. He scored very highly in all the categories bar verbal comprehension. His Fluid Reasoning is particularly high. These results will help the school to understand Conor's specific needs as his teacher stated in a report that "it is very difficult to get Conor to complete any written work which makes him difficult to assess."

Fluid Reasoning
Fluid reasoning involves the ability to think logically, solve novel problems, and process new information, independent of prior knowledge and experience. It involves skills such as pattern recognition, abstract thinking, hypothesis testing, inductive and deductive reasoning, and the capacity to understand and manipulate unfamiliar concepts or situations. This ability is key in learning, particularly in unfamiliar or changing environments, and is considered crucial for intellectual development and day-to-day decision-making.

Verbal Comprehension 
Verbal comprehension involves the ability to understand, interpret, and effectively use language. It encompasses several aspects such as understanding spoken and written words, grasping the meanings of sentences and texts, possessing a rich vocabulary, and employing verbal reasoning to analyse and deduce information from language-based material. This skill is essential for effective communication, academic success, and social interaction.

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