
By KariDi

Non Smoker Blues

Positive staff meeting today. Left work late-ish, bumped into colleagues walking home, ended up in the pub. Lots of fun & discussion - including the slight problem of the pub's failed card machine - where oh where were the (free) nearby cash machines?! And was six bottles of wine the true number (probably). We need to make much more time for this discussion & honest debate - fraught, emotional, loud - yes. But this is "arguments among friends" - it makes us a team, a family.

As a non-smoker, I'm regularly abandoned by friends when they need to smoke. Thank you, smart phone, for making it less lonely!

Oh - and now I've been in the new Newsroom - apart from their failed card machine (= where are the cash machines!) - thought it was brighter, way less obnoxious music, less squished-ness. But it was Wednesday.

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