
Although the sky was blue overhead, it took a while for the sun to rise above a bank of dark cloud in the east, so Django's walk was a bit dull. After catching up with И, I did a little work before heading into work. Before the bus I had time to take a deviation that allowed me to photograph the sunlit, but very soggy-looking Pentlands.

I arrived at my office on time for a meeting with potential PhD student N, and we spent a pleasant hour or so discussing her options. She's attracted to working within our software project, but it's hard to know whether she has the necessary aptitude for programming. Later I had a brief, but encouraging meeting with the Head of School, before starting to write code to read data in a standard format for a classical problem, and formulate instances as test problems for a new feature that I will be adding to HiGHS next year.

Back home, I cooked and caught up with A, who is staying with her mother in France.

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