Another Awful Blip

D FaceTimed me to get my dinner order. He’s been a fabulous nurse/cater/ cook/ fetcher and carrier while I’ve been isolating. I’m going back to work tomorrow even though I actually feel worse today than I have since I got covid. The floodgates have opened and I can’t stop sneezing and blowing my nose. The children are still keeping their distance and I feel like I’ve hardly seen Poppy since she came home from Cardiff. We’ve cancelled a night out with our brewery friends tomorrow and I’ve had to cancel a meet up with my best friends from Uni on Thursday, one of whom is over for Christmas from Sydney. It’s not likely that we’ll be able to get together before she goes back. If this is ‘living with covid’ then I’m not interested.
Poppy has gone clubbing with her friends which is always a worry. I hope I manage to get some sleep.

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