Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Wreath Lecture

Having fulminated last week in my podcast about the cost of the Christmas Radio times, my latest gripe is about the exorbitant cost of Christmas wreaths which seems to have gone through the roof. Given that these are generally made of foraged materials they tend to come in (in Surrey, at least) as somewhere around £20-£30, which I think is having a bit of a laugh. We have therefore bought a circle of sticks and some cheap lights that we can pretend is a wreath and recycle year on year. I might paint it green and chuck on some glitter next year if I’m feeling extravagant.

Since retirement last month I have become much more aware of the cost of things. Inevitable perhaps, and sensible. But I don’t want to end up like the grumpy old git in One Foot In The Grave either. On which subject I was accosted by a tubby Scotsman whilst out shopping for aubergines and Covid test kits who claimed we had got drunk together in loud shirts at a party back in the summer. I was sceptical but he had the photographic evidence to prove it. We have arranged to meet up as retired men do and drink halves of bitter.

We did put extra red and gold lights on the tree this morning as it was looking a bit underdressed. It is much happier now and the place feels cosier. Our only problem is people going down with covid on top of Christmas. Shades of December 2021 when the wee virus drove a cart and horses through our plans.

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