The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

O Tannenbaum

(I can't help it, I always start singing The Red Flag when I hear that tune). 

This is our tree. It's not perfectly symmetrical, but then again, neither am I . We don't decorate the whole house, just the living room, and a few other bits and bobs here and there. 

Work is horrendous at the moment. I had to keep a suicidal person  talking on the phone this morning for a very long time until the police arrived. This time of year is hard for so many: separation, addiction, homelessness, unexpected bills, scams, estrangement and mental health problems abound. I was at the Town Surgery, but they've given me a good room, which is going to be my permanent room on Mondays (until something else happens). 

After all the difficult conversations, it was easy to go to my  surgery (the one where I'm a patient) and gave a vaccination! This is the second half of the MMR, the one I probably didn't have when I was younger, because it didn't exist in one big dose. (We had polio immunisations as drops of liquid on a sugar lump in the 1960s. Pregnancy tests: don't even go there! )

Back home, I've been relaxing and writing the odd Christmas card, far too late of course. As usual, there aren't enough hours in the day. 

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