
By MReid

Abstract Trees

The day started with a phone call from the funeral director's, saying that the venue for DH's service would not allow a funeral.  We changed tack to have a memorial service instead, which is what I'd originally had in mind.

Then, tackling the Christmas cards.  It's a yearly chore I usually put off until it's nearly too late.  This year, I decided to restrict the list to close family and friends, and to those, who from their cards, obviously did not know.  It was hard, and involved weeping.  But I drafted the text first, so only had to copy it out, changing it slightly to suit the recipient.  It also took far, far longer than I allowed for.  This made my walk very short, only to the tiny post office for stamps.  There was a line nearly out the door.  It was a very long wait.  Two books of first class stamps were £20!

Finally, taking pics for the blog in the approaching dark, and then finishing the blog itself.  I am grateful it's only once a week. I had to use the flashgun for the pics.  I still don't fully understand how to use it; the manual is not written well enough for newbies to comprehend.

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