Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Making a list...

...checking it twice...
...and even getting a few things done that hadn't made the list...

A tiki tour this morning - first to the tip to get rid of the de-humidifier that gave up the ghost yesterday... Essential when drying washing indoors in a bungalow ;( 

Called in at Penistone Station on the way past to bag my blip - a quick dally on the lines for MonoMonday...

Happily next stop was Screwfix - a click and collect to pick up a replacement de-humidifier - so more washing could be done ;) 

While we were there we dropped some stuff off at the hospice shop too, then headed for Pothouse to buy some garlic to plant before Christmas - Jane and Sara reminded us on our videocall this morning ;) 

A final stop at the garage for some Christmas Cash, and back home for a late lunch! Phew - a productive morning ;)

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