Up the path …..

….. ….. ….. to the old Kawarau Bridge; Remarkable Mountains in the distance.
Missy & I walked along the foreshore of the Frankton Arm of Lake Whakatipu this morning, before meeting up with a friend at Coffee Afloat Café at the marina.

Another hot day. I was happy to be inside this afternoon, making bread and pesto, plus getting chickpeas soaking for hummus. I’m driving up to Christchurch in Saturday, in tandem with my daughter & son-in-law, to have Christmas with N’s Dad, just north of the city. We’ll be meeting my second granddaughter off the plane from Auckland.

Plus big excitement - my oldest son plus his lady friend, arrived in Auckland from London this morning. We’ve not met B. before and it was a joy to be sent a very happy photo of the two of them!

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