A helped me do my hair this morning then she packed up and I dropped her at her car to go home and I returned to get on with sorting the place out….managed to get rid of all the bits and pieces from P’s house that were still hanging around in the kitchen, and to generally tidy up, finish the laundry and ironing, make up beds for my guests tomorrow. Made the dessert and did some other food prep for book group, wrote some Christmas lists and drank a lot of tea!
A had been busy at her place too…oiling her wooden worktops in the kitchen (finally!) and adding her recent purchases to the home made garland she’d put up across the fireplace…looked lovely!
In the evening tried to sort out January trip and chatted to T about P’s house progress …plumbing all done, decorating half done and skip arrives this week. He picked up the new oven this afternoon and the electrician arrives soon to fit that and do a couple of other bits that are needed….nearly sorted!
Quiet evening ..I was tired!
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