Pink Clouds

I had to work today.  I slept later than I should have done, so had no time for a pre-work walk.  I had hoped that I would only have to work for a few hours, but it ended up being all day.  However, I did make sure I did a few loads of washing, which I risked hanging outside as it was mild and breezy.  I was also only available for the job in hand, not for anything else that anyone wanted to discuss with me.
I popped out at lunchtime to pick up some lunch, as the cupboards and fridge were rather empty.  I bumped into someone I used to go to a pilates class.  We haven’t seen each other for ages, so had a really lovely catch up. 
BB was home later than usual, as he had a DofE meeting after school.  I expected him to be in trouble with the DofE leader, but he seems to have spent time this morning, between his classes, doing what he should have done over the past few months.  At least he has made progress – two sections written up at last, just one to complete.  He’s already done his expedition and has his residential in February.  Almost there.
Later in the afternoon I had to pop out to pick up the car from the garage.  I came back and finished off my work, then headed out to the supermarket.
I had picked up tea at lunchtime, and it went down very well.  Later I went for a walk and eventually got round to wrapping some Christmas presents.
Not much in the way of blips today – but I caught these pink clouds when I went out to the garage.

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