Offcumden Cal

By Cal

Figure this one out Sherlock

Day off and weather pretty damned good. Started good, went a bit meh, so abandoned plan for a wild swim, and headed to Parceval Hall for a stroll around the lovely gardens. Within minutes I'd seen a tree hopping with treecreepers. The garden is looking beautiful, with blue, blue Himalyan poppies, deep dark iris, statuesque lupins and well lots more too. Headed up to the viewing point overlooking Trollers Gill, perfect, not a soul around. The house is used as a retreat so the gardens have lots of places to sit in seclusion. And the sun reappeared. I saw a flash of red, what's that? The bird landed on the post near me, tantalisingly too far away to photograph clearly. Then another landed, robin like, but a juvenile. Black head. Well birders, you've probably guessed already, but this as I found out when I got home and looked in my books, was my first (and second) Redstart. Had my lunch here then wandered off down a path which forms today's blip - thousands of aquilegia - like a bluebell wood. Ended the day with a walk along the river to Trollers Gill, a sit by the river and an hour's productive whittling. Happy days.

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