Getting organised
I didn't get up too early as the girls were going to Muy Thai, except they didn't but by that time I was shopping. The cloud was down again this morning with the tops of the high towers peering out about it. Very atmospheric.
I started at 1 MK and bought a hat in H&M, on sake £2.54. The Ringgit has reduce in value by 20% since I was here which is good for me. Got some cash and after a wander round Village Grocer across to 163 where I spent ages in Jaya, trying to decide what to buy and getting the best quantities. Luckily it all fitted in the back pack. By the time I finished it was lunchtime.
No word from #2 son so I had lunch alone at The Social. 2 scoops of chocolate ice cream was one too many.
Back at Gateway I went to the empty pool. I was worried it was very shallow but it's ok and great reflections of my normal gaffe at Hijauan Kiara. Had a swim and a lounge and a chat to an Iranian women. It was very humid and I left after a couple of spots of rain though it didn't rain till later.
Luckily it was dry by the time I had to walk up to Marta's Kitchen to meet #2 son. We had the tapas and a good chat and then he walked we home for the exercise.
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