
By HareBrain

The birds and the bees ..

The bees in the Churchyard have grabbed one of the bird boxes to make their home in.

I went to work on my day off, as you know (and am still not complaining - promise) but it has been a lovely day so made the most of the early evening with a walk round the block which takes in the churchyard. There I saw on the Notice Board the picture of a baby Robin I took some weeks ago (pretty poor effort actually!!) together with some of the Hedgehog Rescue pictures I took for Richard. I noticed something buzzing round my head, and then more and more buzzing and then realized I was standing inches away from the bees new home. I didn't panic as I'm not particularly bothered about bees or wasps until they .................... sting me, which of course one did as I ventured far too close to their residence. Look at the beady little eyes looking out of the box having a good laugh at my expense - ouch!!

Upon my return home T asked why one side of my face was larger than the other and bright red!

btw, T has brownie points today - he's scrubbed the spuds for dinner and made two beautiful G/F loaves of bread for me. We've had a couple of slices just out of the oven and buttered liberally so I think dinner will be later!

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