Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

Shots 3 Chavs 5

I had thought about writing a book of 'anti-supporting' a team. Exploring all the teams we hate before deciding which one we would buy a season ticket for the away end so we could cheer them on to defeat.

Obviously there are some flaws with this idea, but the shortlist Included Crawley,  Sutton and today's opponents Eastleigh. 

Eastleigh.  You should not rip posters out of their frames and throw them into urinals. You should not shout abuse or make hand gestures to home fans on the terrace.  Also, you shouldn't really punch our players in the face. You shouldn't buy tickets for the home terrace. 

I hate Eastleigh.  Everything about them just winds me up. Do the decent thing and take your 12 eight year old fans and disappear into non-league obscurity 


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