Billy Goat

By billygoat

Logging on

I wondered why the gov's strawberries were nowhere near as good as Flashbangs.
Went down the garden this afternoon and saw the strawberry plot in deep shade. The hazel bushes have gone loopy the last couple of years and must be 25 ft tall and with really dense foliage.
Out came the sabre saw (less dramatic than a chainsaw, only removes a finger or thumb, rather than a whole arm or leg) and within half an hour light was pouring in and I was up to the oxters in hazel branches. Strangely despite their vigour no sign of flowers or nascent nuts.
The small stuff was cut off and dragged next door to the bonfire site, the larger branches were cut into 12 inch lengths for the wood burner.
We haven't got a wood burner - perhaps someone who has would like a load of prime hazel logs?

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