That Shiny Crystal....

....Roger didn't have long, he knew that, the clock was ticking, but he was determined to win this prize for his partner.

He had entered 'Find The Crystal' competition, where you had 1 minute to look at a lot of fake crystals in a tray, and find the one true winning Crystal.

Roger's luck was in, he managed to find it, and the Judge quipped to him 'Now for the real deal eh!?'

Roger looked at the judge with a quizzical brow, as the Judge leaned him to him 'You really think your partner encouraged you to enter this competition so they could just get a shiny Crystal!???'

The truth hit Roger 'Oh! Oh!' And suddenly as he knew he was about as subtle as a brick at taking subtle hints, and that his partner wanted a ring, he smiled and added 'Oh!'.

Take care all ;-)

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