Our Lady of the waters and a beautiful view

F has old friends that live in Hay-0n-Wye and yesterday we went to visit them. We spent time chatting and had a lovely meal. 

We then went for a drive up Hay Bluff,  a hill on the edge of the Black Mountains (in Wales).  Light was fading but there was still a lovely view from the track. Lots of sheep, commoner's horses and red kites.

When we got back we went to their local church which was beautiful inside. The sculpture is Our Lady of the Waters and the Wye which l ives in the church.

She was made last year to raise awareness of the terrible state  of the River Wye due to heavy pollution from chicken farms along it's banks - 20 million birds!

It was floated down the river by two canoes and pink rose petals were scattered. Here is an account of the event.

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