A time for everything

By turnx3


After a cold frosty start, it developed into quite a mild sunny day. We spent part of the morning sorting through old Christmas lights we don’t use any more, and some of which had got dreadfully tangled, so that Roger could add them to some others things he was taking down to Cohen Recycling - “if it’s made of metal, uses batteries or plugs in”, they can generally recycle it, and you may even get a little money for it. Today’s reimbursement may just have covered the cost of Roger driving down there, but of course it’s about more than the cost!
Since it was such a beautiful day, and mild, Roger suggested we could go for a bike ride - not often we cycle in the middle of December! So, after a bite to eat, I donned my cycling leggings, a sweatshirt over my long sleeved turtle neck T-shirt, and we drove up to Mathers Mill, and headed north on the bike trail. We decided we should have left half an hour earlier, as on the outward leg I felt fine temperature wise, but as we cycled back I was beginning to feel a bit cool. I struggled to make a little over 10 miles today, it having been a number of weeks since we last cycled, but it felt good to be out in the sunshine, and we weren’t the only ones on the trail. I took a few photos on my phone, which I was planning to use for my blip, but when I got back home, the photos weren’t on my phone! I couldn’t work it out- I’ve plenty of storage left on my phone, and it wasn’t that low on charge. After checking out a few things, I rebooted it, and lo and behold it started working again, but it still didn’t recover the photos I’d taken on the trail! So instead I resorted to another Christmas blip, my olive wood nativity I bought from Liverpool Cathedral several years ago, when we were attending their service of Lessons and Carols with Roger’s sister and brother in law.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a good weekend, fellow blippers!
Step count: 4,851

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