A Busy Day

I spent a bit of time at the lathe before breakfast and just as we were about to go and collect some eggs for The Larder I got a phone call asking if I had done that yet. 
No - just about to leave.
Can you pick up a delivery from the Larders kitchen and drop it off on-route ... it is urgent.
Not a problem as the pick-up and delivery were on-route to Broxburn for the eggs.
What I was handed was a box of one dozen (still warm) haggis 'bon-bons (delicious by the way).
Following the cars sat-nav to the drop off was 'interesting'......... all round the dickybush to Sky's no3 building. The right number but the wrong firm in the wrong street!
But we found the place.

When we got to Broxburn (FarmFoods) we found that the eggs we were collecting was an entire pallet. They had been delivered with a shelf life that was too short for the supermarket to put on the shelves. Nearly £300 worth.
It took a while to offload them from the pallet and into the back of the car and then it was a fun drive avoiding potholes and speed bumps back to Strathbrock.
The tiny office was pretty full with other drop-offs when we arrived and was almost impossible to get into after we had offloaded the eggs (not one cracked egg I am pleased to say).
It was then home for a coffee and let the backs slowly recover from the pain.

We were up at the Larder's head office at 4pm for the staff get together and party.
There was nobody there.
A phone call later and we were told it had been put back to 5pm .... so we went and did a small shop.
Back to HQ for 5pm ......... Nobody there!
We hung around and a couple of office staff turned up.
It turned out it had in fact been put back to.5.30pm! Wait until I get my hands on Marie.
It turned into an enjoyable evening, there were drinks and snacks, whatever we wanted from the various take-aways, a quiz (I was diddled out of 2 marks by somebody marking my answers wrongly) which was won by SWMBO and a gingerbread house making competition (hysterical). 
I had taken my big jar of spinning tops (about 80) and everyone sat playing with them all night. I think I have come home with about 6. The rest have gone home with the others or are going to be used within a teaching environment. I have just added it up and if I had sold them at craft fairs it would have come to about £175.
It was a good night.

The picture is the only one I took today and was a 'trial; with the fisheye lens (I need to get in closer is the conclusion).

Edit..... No idea how I forgot this - we had to phone out friends Mags (who we met for an extended lunch with last week). It turns out that she was walking her daughters dogs on Wednesday when one of them was attacked by an XL Bully dog. It had slipped a stupid thin lead it was on and despite attempts by Mags and other (not the woman walking it ... she ran away) it repeatedly went in for the attack. Eventually Mags managed to get her dog and got him to a vet. He is still alive but has several fractures to the skull and torn jugular. Apparently armed police arrived and managed to capture the attacker and is awaiting destruction (it is not the first time it has done this apparently).

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