Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Summer Simile

It isn't quite summer, but today was nearly as good as... :)

The morning started at ooh-too-early with an incredible thunder storm. I was out on my balcony at 4:45 am trying to capture a lightening bolt blip, but the strikes must have been on the other side of my house, as I only caught the uninteresting flashes of light and nothing worth posting.

A girlfriend came over at 8:30 am with her shaggy hund and we took a nearly 90-minute walk in very muggy humid heat (but I am NOT complaining).

The sun burned off most of the clouds by noon and right after lunch I took a couple of the kids to meet friends at the Naturfreibad where we'd also gone last evening for dinner. Today I captured a only a couple images before my iPhone/camera actually overheated and shut off. Not the best pictures, but they convey the spirit of slip-sliding summer-time fun! I love this season!

Now it's English Quiz Night at the local pub and I'll be racing out as soon as we get the burgers off the grill and feed the minions :)

PS - got a positive response today from an unsolicited job application I sent to a global mobility firm for more freelance work and am pleased they at least want an interview. I don't seem to have too much trouble securing part-time and contract work; just can't nail a full-time job :/

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