Winter Joys

"Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light."
-Theodore Roethke

I was admiring my orchids and Christmas cactus this morning with a helper. Raven seems to have thankfully given up her interest in botany. She looks, but doesn't touch. I recently bought the two orchids with the multiple blooms, but the lowest blooming one is a real joy. I have coaxed it to re-bloom. They apparently like the spot and the things I whisper to them, I love them. The little Christmas Cactus is coming to the end of her blooming, but she was gorgeous, all of mine were lovely this year. Now, I'm happily anticipating  this year's amaryllis blooms. One plant that spent the summer in the garden is pushing up a bud again this season.  

The cats are a true winter joy as well. The tree stands tall, Raven is a charming companion and Fianna is so affectionate on her own terms, getting braver every single day. We are a happy household.

For the Record, 
This day came in with cold, brilliant sunshine and a deeply blue sky.

All hands wishing for PEACE and the end to GUN Violence as we remember the anniversary of  innocent children and teachers slain at Sandy Hook on this day, 11 years ago.  Names Never

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