First of all, HUGE thanks to everyone who commented, gave stars and/or hearts for my 4,000th Blip entry yesterday - I was overwhelmed by your kindness - didn’t I say you were a great bunch?  There were so many kind and encouraging comments, and I am sorry I didn’t get around to answering them all personally, but I am truly grateful. 

Today I went to the Community Fridge to the Knit and Natter group but there were very few people who came to do any knitting or nattering.  In fact, there didn’t seem to be that many people at the fridge, although there was a steady trickle through the doors.  There was lots of vegetables and fruit left and loads of bread - in fact, when I left those who were collecting their five items were encouraged to take as many vegetables as they liked.  One man said he was going to make a vegetable stew and seemed quite thrilled by his various bagsful and he was especially pleased with the spring onions and garlic.

My shot today shows the wool basket, one finished fingerless glove and one almost finished on the needle, suitably fartnarkled in another of my apps to make it look a bit abstract and creative, the theme for this week.  

A friend saw me knitting them and said she would like a pair, if I had time to make her some, so I will try and get them done before we go away next week.  Because we were so few in number - and perhaps it was meant to be - I was able to chat in depth to one of the ladies, whose husband had died during Covid - I hope she will be truly blessed this Christmas.  

Underneath the wool and knitting is a little sock, which will be filled with a candy cane or some chocolate ready to go into one of the Bags of Hope that will be delivered next week to various families in the Borough.  

We realise that Christmas is going to be tough for so many people this year, but a quote I like says “Remember, your most precious gifts are not under the tree,”  a reminder that love and friendship are much more important than material things.  I pray that the Bags of Hope that are delivered to so many in the coming week will show the recipients how much we care. 

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