Wreath ICM

We bought this last year and are pleased to get another year's deployment out of it. I think it is going last a good while yet. I've done a creative (?) ICM for Abstract Thursday.

I've also assembled the tree. I'm not sure how many more years we will get out of that. It's shedding a lot of bits these days, though still nowhere as near as much as a real tree. We can't complain really as we've had it since 2006.

In other news I fixed the pilot light on the gas stove. Or rather I just persevered with it until it lit. I was thinking I would need a service visit (a 3 figure cost envisaged) but somehow I got it going. We never really use the stove, though it's nice to run it at this time of year as it makes the room look a lot more cosy.

And mouse#43 surfaced in the garage. He cleverly avoided the two new rather lethal traps I set and opted for the humane one, and survived. He was very lively so I let him go at the end of the garden.

Footnote: Daughter#1 is 40 today. I find that rather scary.

One year ago:
My Robin

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