My Birthday

I had a splendid birthday today, though it began with a bit of a disappointment. I was scheduled to take care of Esme in the morning, but their schedule changed. Instead, Eric and I took our usual walk on a brilliant day where we saw a Bald Eagle sitting high in a cottonwood tree; I'm pretty sure he winked at me. On the last leg, we opted to scoot up the steep dirt trail, proving to me that my new boots are very useful indeed.
Having a large family comes in so handy if I'm ever feeling lonely: my siblings always come through with every kind of greeting: email, text, card, call. Then, I was happy to hear from soozaday and MisterS with a call that included them singing Happy Birthday to me. In the evening, we walked to dinner, passing many nicely decorated homes. We ate at the newly opened (and already a favorite) Mosaic Taphouse where they serve homemade Vietnamese fare.
Feeling warm, well-fed, and lucky.

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