
By samsticks


We experienced further sleep deprivation last night and have resorted to neurofen, which seems to help a little. I'm knackered though!

Spent the day trying to remember my high-school trigonometry lessons with varying degrees of success. Hopefully I've have a breakthrough tomorrow.

We had a rehearsal without Steve tonight... we're experimenting with our sound a bit at the moment (adding my Strat and some keys on some songs), and we seem to be emerging with a slightly more mature sound. It's good. :)

I took this shot on the way in this morning.. I'd been taking something else, and I turned round as a cyclist went past with a huge shadow. I saw this fellah on the horizon and waited for him to get to a good spot before snapping him. He'd definitely seen what I was up to but didn't miss a beat. That is one huuuge shadow. I love these winter mornings, the light is amazing!!

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