Santa Claus Lane

One neighborhood has been transformed into Santa Claus Lane this year. I drove around this neighborhood tonight and it is quite something to see. Most of them have the same blow up Santa in their yard. It started on their community FB group and the idea really took off. They have volunteers at the entrance to the neighborhood in the evening collecting donations for the local food bank. It has brought a lot of sight seers to the street.

We finished the garden cleanup today. A total of 10.5 hours x 3 people working. Over the 2 days we hauled 4 truckloads of yard waste out of the back yard. That was a lot of leaves and brush. It looks much better than it did. I should have taken some before photos. I am looking forward to seeing it in the spring, she says there are a lot of bulbs planted. And the next door neighbor may call me too.

And I have the first merchandising job of the season scheduled for tomorrow. I told the manager that if she needs anyone to cover any of the regular service calls that I could do that too. One rep is away this week and won't be back in time to complete the call so I was asked to do it. Plus I get paid for another 4 hours to play around with the new app and get to know it. That is a total of 8 hours that they are paying me for training. I still have not heard anything from MCA about their relines. I will wait till sometime in January and if I have heard nothing I will email them. By that time I will know how much work I will have with CI and will decide if I need to work for both companies.

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