
By fennerpearson


There is, allegedly, a nine year waiting list for studios at Islington Mill, but Simon - aka NotQuiteLight - has been presented with an opportunity to subcontract a space for twelve months. 

Happily, he invited me to go along with him, the morning, to take a look at it. While Simon had a walk 'round I chatted to the chap who was doing the subletting. 

It turned out that he'd had a furniture business that went under during the pandemic, so he looked for something new to do and, to cut a long (but very interesting) story short, he started making paint. 

Now he's off to East Anglia for a year to develop the business, hence the opportunity for Simon, which, after worrying a little over a coffee*, he took. Good decision.

And in the evening, the Minx and I went to see Johnny Marr and the Johnny Marr Orchestra playing at Aviva Studio. 

I don't like to be negative - you know I don't - but a) the people running Aviva Studio have yet to learn to put on a gig. Imagine, for example, selling pizza, but then not giving people anywhere to eat it. Cue people wandering around with a drink in one hand and a pizza box in the other.

And b) the actual performance space is just a big barn.

Anyway, on to Johnny, who was as great and charming as ever. I do wish I liked his solo stuff a bit more, and I'm afraid it's true to say that the highlights of the evening were all Smiths tracks. 

My fave, 'How Soon Is Now?', benefitted most from an orchestral rearrangement, and, of course, 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out' was wonderful with live strings. The latter was quite moving as everyone sang along lustily, and I didn't even mind that at times I couldn't hear the music. 

*At the Deli Lama, which as just moved from Bexley Square to Islington Mill. 

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