So it goes on
This morning I let Charlie out at 5.30 as normal.
She must have come back a while later but I didn't notice. I put her food out in the kitchen when I got up and went off on an early bus to Reading to go to the job centre as I didn't know where it was.
When I got back I realised I hadn't opened the bedroom curtains, so I opened them...and shock, horror there were blood spots on the windowsill :(:(
At this point, I realised Charlie was hiding under the chest of drawers she always goes under. I had to move the chest to get her to come out and at the same time was on the phone to the vets (not being sure if they came from her or she'd caught something outside (unusual these days) ...
Anyway, when she came out from the chest - it was clear she was walking rather stiffly. The vets said to take her in so I did and she was seen...
They couldn't find out what exactly is wrong even after an extra thorough examination and there was no blood on her as far as we could see (but she is definitely having trouble (suddenly) climbing on the windowsill via the chair in the bedroom. Until today she had no problem - but as you see she's eventually got up there) ...
So I'm a £100 lighter, and if I can keep her eating, she's on painkilling tablets 3 x a day instead of once a day now to see if this improves the pain/strength for climbing.
And that's another day I could have done without. Tomorrow pales into insignificance as I'm now rather worried about Charlie. She is staying in the bedroom thought she has access everywhere, and hasn't gone out - she has used the litter tray instead, which is unusual for her....
Pluses for today - the jobcentre is opposite Greyfriars Church in Reading, so I went in there for some respite after the jobcentre. There is a cafe, a lovely bookshop (where I treated myself to a larger print bible as I'm struggling to read the small print in my old bible.) and the church centre itself is lovely...see extra
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