
By ZE1Christie

Noon, Gulberwick

Frosty this morning, and looks the same for tonight.  Calm all day, cloudy and broken sunshine.  

Up early, had to get the plumber around again today, another burst pipe.  I don't know what's happened to my boiler lately.  Nipped into Lerwick late morning for car parts, and a cuppa with a friend.  Walkies with Sammy and popped into Madeline's in the afternoon.  Put up some Christmas decorations, a bit of jigsaw time and chilling by the fire.  Walkies again, and then early to bed. 

Not long now and the days with turn.  There was potential for a sunny day today, but the cloud was low in the sky, so was the sun.  Visibility was poor in the distance, looked like there was a shower hitting.  A quick stop off on my way to Lerwick, Shurton Brae, Gulberwick.  

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