The Rain Came Down

Early this morning the sun was shining and lovely blue skys. By the time l left at 7:30am some clouds were rolling in. I had my x-ray at 8am. Good the cafe was open so I had a coffee before going to my 9am appointment with the specialist. 

There is good and bad with my knee.
The x-ray results were good and they were pleased with my movement. The wound at the base hasn't healed yet. It is a very small spot. When the doctor looked at it before I saw the specialist. He gave it a bit of a push and some pus came out. They took a swab. The specialist when he finally turned up said he wasn't too worried about infection as I wouldn't have good movement in my knee. But what it is could be a reaction from the stitches. The biggest worry is it could form an ulcer. He wants me to have a PICO on it. So I am wired up. He wants it on for two weeks. They only last a week I was told before the battery runs out. So I go back again next Tuesday. And if it isn't clear then another week. Because of the holidays they are closed for two week, the nurse was telling me.. they will arrange a home visit. Also they want me to take antibiotics. Luckily the one I am on for my sinuses will work. 
By the time I left the hospital just after 11am the storm had arrived. This photo was taken as I was going to my car. I didn't have a coat so got a bit wet. You can see my car on the left. The red one. 

The roads were flooding on my way home. John said one clap of thunder made the house shake. I never heard any thunder when I was at the hospital. There has been around 26mm of rain which must have fallen in two hours. There were only a few showers after that. The storm hit the bottom of the North Island this afternoon. They have had a lot of damage up there.

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