Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


I'm not a refugee in Berlin but am very definitely  a migrant. It's international human rights day to commemorate the signing of the United Nations convention on human rights. The rights of the child in Scotland has been debated with the hope that it can be enshrined in Scottish law. There was an attempt which despite passing was rejected by Westminster. In my mind human rights come before everything. They even apply to people we may not like or whose opinions we find repellent. During my early years training the link from UNCRC and the policies I worked to was very clear. We all have rights but so do all people. This is where the trickiness lies how to not piss all over the rights of others while exercising your own. Oil companies and governments are not managing this at all, if they ever have. 

People don't become refugees lightly. In many countries people would get a warmer reception at a funeral. Refugees have become the scapegoats of societies who blame them for economic inequality, price rises, taking the jobs and health system pressures. I really don't understand why there is not greater understanding that the numbers of refugees can only become larger. Climate change is biting many places in our world may become unliveable. People will be forced to move or die. The big fossil fuel companies are avoiding taking any responsibility for perpetuating their lies and seudo attempts to become green in their polluting practices. In the future many more people will be forced to flee due to the consequences of a changing climate and governments who allow this to proceed unapposed. 

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