The Cat sat on the Mat

Basil and I had two missions this afternoon. 1, to return unwanted medication to the pharmacy, 2, to deliver an item for return to Amazon to the Evri shop in Field Street.

As we wended our way round Romway Close with me riding on Cecily, I felt a gentle tug on Basil's lead as we passed this cat at the front of its garden. It wasn't bothered by Basil, and Basil, to his credit, did not yank his lead to chase after it.

Missions accomplished, we set off home. By the time we reached the cat's house, he was sitting on a mat on the front doorstep, looking very 'sneery.'

Basil ignored him, assuming that he had seen him in the first place.

George stopped by on his way home from a field visit and helped considerably by getting a few Christmas decorations and lights out of the loft for us.

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