
Almost halfway through Advent and I'd not yet made a wreath to hang on the front door..I usually do this at the end of November, but this year, life got in the way. Same with the Christmas tree - it was meant to be put up last week, but somehow we never got around to it.

The birds had stripped our holly tree of berries during the frosty weather, but I know a place where there is plenty of holly so I walked up there this morning, past these steamy cows who are rapidly getting through the Sea of Kale.

It was a beautiful morning and so good to see blue sky again! My head was still buzzing with Kyries and after a while I had to listen to a podcast to stop the ear worm (a great one on Spotify about the Plantagenets). I gathered some berry-laden holly and then didn't want to go back inside and miss the sunshine so carried on walking for another hour or so. 

I have made the wreath (see extra) using some of the dogwood prunings I'd kept from Spring. This evening I started putting up the tree, but I'm going to decorate it a little at a time, so that it's not a chore. The lights go on tomorrow. I made time to read my book, and I made some minestrone soup for tea.

Back to work tomorrow!

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