Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Last Day of Spring

Goodbye spring! You have been wonderful. You've stayed and stayed, I don't know when I've enjoyed a springtime anymore than I have this year, but tonight we say farewell until next time.

Today I purchased a summer hat, hopefully one of several more. I love hats, especially summer hats. Well, actually I love all hats--no matter what the season. I love dress-up hats. I love casual hats. I love frilly hats. I love plain hats. See my "about" page hat--it's one of my favorites. The next few weeks I plan to tuck all of my hair up under this new hat to stay cool.

Summer arrives here tomorrow and I am so ready. Tomorrow is also Father's Day here in America. Happy Father's Day to all Dads. I am so thankful for my two dads. It took two of them to get me raised. ;-)

Here in the Northern Hemisphere tomorrow will be the longest day of the year and for everyone below the equator, I guess it must be the shortest. I hope whatever you do and wherever you are that you have a fabulous day.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun) aka, Carol

P.S. If you missed reading Turk's comment on my blip yesterday, I recommend it. Matter of fact, all the comments were very sensitive. Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment.

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