
By ChubbasMummy

From Angry To Happy

Today I went a trip to the fort with my mum dad and AR.

On the way there some idiot decided to try and overtake us on a slip road and nearly drove into the side AR was at and was just being so dangerous at driving.

Went a wander round New Look to find some trousers but couldn't find any decent ones I liked. Couldn't see anything that caught my fancy to be fair.

Then went off to Bank to have a look, I saw a pair of trousers the size I was before my pregnancy and decided to chance my luck and try them on. THEY FITTED ME. I was so happy. And luckily they are high waisted so they cover my saggy stomach.

Came home had lunch and didn't do much after that. Other than get the door bouncer out for AR to have a shot, she loved it. Then we went to collect HR, MR and LR from school.

AR is currently sleeping but about two minutes ago whilst I was writing this she left out a massive cry giving me the fright of my life, but she is still sleeping. Aww my gorgeous.

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