Being Obedient

You man already know but Granny and Superhero have started a little dog training course with our Resident Lionness. All 3 of them are doing really well!! lol

Snuffles is doing really well now. There will always be the risk of a bite from her but we are all very aware of that and Jessica reminds us all the time about her foot, however Snuffles wears the muzzle when it's busy round about her and she sits down and lets you put it on and then becomes this really calm dog while wearing it.

The time is running out now before our holiday on Thursday morning but we are getting there. A bit of housework done today, some beautifying for Mummy, some admin work too. A few run arounds for me this evening too.

Tomorrow Mummy is getting her nails done after changing the beds, finishing my admin, doing the wages, some more housework and then I think everything we will be ready to go!!

I cannae wait!!


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